There are two ways to use our tutored life drawing course: you can follow the 34-week course in order, accompanying each lesson with plenty of drawing practice at in-person or online life classes. Alternatively you can use this page as a library of resources to support your ongoing drawing practice, dipping in to a watch a video, read a blog or practice from photo-set when you are struggling with a particular area of drawing.
Costs & Tiers
The course is all pre-recorded and available to watch any time, to take part you just need to sign up to the Draw Patreon, paying a monthly membership that can be canceled at any time. Patreon membership will also give you tiered access to our photo-sets, discounts on in-person courses and free live online drawing sessions.
Link Descriptions
Once you've signed up to a tier on Patreon you can use the links below to navigate the course. Each link connects to a Patreon post, so make sure you are signed into your Patreon account, then click the link to be taken to the correct post. There are 6 types of post:
If you have any questions about the course and how to use it, feel free to email on [email protected] for more details.
Costs & Tiers
The course is all pre-recorded and available to watch any time, to take part you just need to sign up to the Draw Patreon, paying a monthly membership that can be canceled at any time. Patreon membership will also give you tiered access to our photo-sets, discounts on in-person courses and free live online drawing sessions.
- You can try the Introduction for free without signing up - just click on the links bellow to give it a go.
- Sign up to the 'Supporter (£3+ VAT per month)' or 'Portrait (£12+ VAT per month)' Tier of the Patreon HERE to access the blog-only version of the course
- Sign up to the 'Life' (£25+ VAT per month) or 'Student' (£8+ VAT per month) Tier of the Patreon HERE for full access to all of the blogs, videos and photo-sets
Link Descriptions
Once you've signed up to a tier on Patreon you can use the links below to navigate the course. Each link connects to a Patreon post, so make sure you are signed into your Patreon account, then click the link to be taken to the correct post. There are 6 types of post:
- Main Lesson Video - these 1-hour videos include the core lesson of the week plus demonstrations from tutor Lancelot Richardson
- Blog Pose - these comprehensive blogs replicate the content of the videos for lower-term supporters or those who prefer reading to watching videos
- Demo video - these narrated demonstrations take the exercises explored in the main lesson further
- Inspiration page - these pages showcase contemporary and historical artists whose work compliments the accompanying lesson
- Practice Photo-set - these curated sets of reference photos provide perfectly matched practice poses for the accompanying lesson
If you have any questions about the course and how to use it, feel free to email on [email protected] for more details.
01: INTRODUCTION Try it for free! 05: HATCHING Catch up below 09: TONAL SHAPES Catch up below 13: CHRISTMAS SPECIAL Catch up below 17: WEIGHT Catch up below 21: ILLUSIONS OF DEPTH Catch up below 25: THE TORSO (FRONT) Catch up below 29: FEET Catch up below 33: SKIN TONE & COLOUR Catch up below |
02: CONTOUR & LINE Catch up below 06: CROSS HATCHING Catch up below 10: TONAL EDGES Catch up below 14: GESTURE PT 1. Catch up below 18: BALANCE Catch up below 22: INTRO TO ANATOMY Catch up below 26: THE TORSO (BACK) Catch up below 30: ARMS Catch up below 34: BODY HAIR Catch up below |
03: NEGATIVE SPACE Catch up below 07: INK & WASH Catch up below 11: SUBTRACTIVE TONE Catch up below 15: GESTURE PT. 2 Catch up below 19: FIGURE IN CONTEXT Catch up below 23: THE HEAD Catch up below 27: HIPS & GENITALS Catch up below 31: HANDS Catch up below |
04: TONE Catch up below 08: TONAL VALUE Catch up below 12: MIDTONE PAPERS Catch up below 16: FORM Catch up below 20: FORESHORTENING Catch up below 24: NECK & SHOULDERS Catch up below 28: LEGS Catch up below 32: FAT & SKIN FOLDS Catch up below |